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1986 BMW 745i SA

VIN: 90178
visibility 23
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Collecting Cars
Bavaria, DEU
506 km (314 mi) TMU
Original & Highly Original
  • HISTORY (1)

Market Summary

The BMW 745i SA - E23 (1984 to 1987) market. See Similar Markets

The BMW 745i SA was a limited production, high performance variant of the E23 BMW 7 Series that was introduced in 1984. Exclusive to the Sou... Learn more.
There are 1 BMW 7 Series - E23 for sale across all model years (1978 to 1987) and variants, no 745i SA and none are model year 1986 . There were none 745i SA sold in the last 5 years.

Vehicle History

A timeline of events that we've detected for this vehicle.

Nov 17, 2023
Not Sold at Collecting Cars
506 km (314 mi) TMU · Bavaria, DEU


Details about this vehicle - curated by our market specialists.

Model Family
Model Generation
Model Variant
745i SA
Model Trim
3.5L I6 (M88/3)
Drive Type
Rear Wheel Drive (RWD)
Original & Highly Original
506 km (314 mi) TMU
Vehicle Type
Body Style
4 Doors
Driver Side
Right Hand Drive
Ext. Color Group
Int. Color Group


Markets related to the BMW 745i SA - E23.

BMW 7 Series
commute E23
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CMB $9,983
directions_car 745i
BMW 745i - E23
CMB $59,205
directions_car L7
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CMB $18,984
directions_car 745i SA
commute E32
directions_car 735i
BMW 735i - E32
CMB $9,024
directions_car 735iL
BMW 735iL - E32
CMB $14,385
directions_car 730i
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CMB $8,822
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BMW 750i - E32
CMB $11,548
directions_car 750iL
BMW 750iL - E32
CMB $14,688
directions_car 740i
BMW 740i - E32
CMB $9,771
directions_car 740iL
BMW 740iL - E32
CMB $8,634
commute E38
directions_car 730i
BMW 730i - E38
CMB $10,441
directions_car 740i
BMW 740i - E38
CMB $15,244
directions_car 740iL
BMW 740iL - E38
CMB $10,851
directions_car 750i
BMW 750i - E38
CMB $14,829
directions_car 750iL
BMW 750iL - E38
CMB $18,853
directions_car 725tds
BMW 725tds - E38
CMB $4,723
directions_car 728i
BMW 728i - E38
CMB $5,208
directions_car 735i
BMW 735i - E38
CMB $9,106
directions_car 735iL
BMW 735iL - E38
CMB $14,161
directions_car L7
BMW L7 - E38
CMB $16,151
commute E65
directions_car 735i
BMW 735i - E65
CMB $5,449
directions_car 745i
BMW 745i - E65
CMB $8,759
directions_car 745Li
BMW 745Li - E65
CMB $8,443
directions_car 760i
BMW 760i - E65
CMB $7,057
directions_car 760Li
BMW 760Li - E65
CMB $14,459
directions_car 730i
BMW 730i - E65
CMB $9,013
directions_car 730Li
directions_car 750i
BMW 750i - E65
CMB $9,410
directions_car 750Li
BMW 750Li - E65
CMB $12,249
commute F01
directions_car 740i
BMW 740i - F01
CMB $13,937
directions_car 740Ld
BMW 740Ld - F01
CMB $35,500
directions_car 740Li
BMW 740Li - F01
CMB $14,371
directions_car 750i
BMW 750i - F01
CMB $14,993
directions_car 750Li
BMW 750Li - F01
CMB $18,139
directions_car 750LXi
directions_car 750xi
directions_car 760Li
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CMB $18,120
directions_car 740Li xDrive
commute G11
directions_car 740e
directions_car 740Le
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CMB $32,000
directions_car 740i xDrive
directions_car 750i
BMW 750i - G11
CMB $40,979
directions_car 750i xDrive
directions_car 750Li xDrive
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BMW M760i - G11
CMB $56,466
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