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Found this Sno Runner in the corner of the garage. Never outside and always heated. Never been uncrated. Not even sure of the color but it looks black and red. It still has tags on it. The crate is primo. The bag is unbroken. Probably the best example of the Chrysler Sno Runner known to mankind. Museum quality. I can ship. Please be as serious as you can be. I already have offers well over 10,000 dollars. I will not unpack it for a color question.
Found this Sno Runner in the corner of the garage. Never outside and always heated. Never been uncrated. Not even sure of the color but it looks black and red. It still has tags on it. The crate is primo. The bag is unbroken. Probably the best example of the Chrysler Sno Runner known to mankind. Museum quality. I can ship. Please be as serious as you can be. I already have offers well over 10,000 dollars. I will not unpack it for a color question.