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1967 Chevrolet Malibu Hardtop

VIN: 136177B171660
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Jan 20, 2023
Unique Classic Cars
Mankato, MN, USA
6,432 mi TMU
  • HISTORY (1)
  • COMPS (30)

Chevrolet Malibu 1st Gen

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1967 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu

6865 mi 9k mi TMU
LHD steering LHD
Last Asking
This listing was either sold, or removed, by the seller. The last asking price is the last price detected by Classic.com.
May 22, 2023
66% Relevance

1967 Chevrolet Malibu

6865 mi 77k mi TMU
Manual transmission Manual
LHD steering LHD
Last Asking
This listing was either sold, or removed, by the seller. The last asking price is the last price detected by Classic.com.
Apr 21, 2023
66% Relevance

1967 Chevrolet Malibu

6865 mi 2k mi TMU
Manual transmission Manual
LHD steering LHD
Last Asking
This listing was either sold, or removed, by the seller. The last asking price is the last price detected by Classic.com.
Mar 8, 2023
66% Relevance
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