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1971 Porsche 911 ST Rally

VIN: 9111300647
visibility 7
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Gooding & Company
1,681 km (1,045 mi)
  • HISTORY (1)

Market Summary

The Porsche 911 ST (1970 to 1972) market. See Similar Markets

According to Gooding and Company, "between 1970 and 1972, Porsche built a limited number of sport-purpose 911's that are now common... Learn more.
There are 37 Porsche 911 - F Body - LWB for sale across all model years (1969 to 1973) and variants, no ST and none are model year 1971 . There were none ST sold in the last 5 years.

Vehicle History

A timeline of events that we've detected for this vehicle.

Aug 7, 2020
1,681 km (1,045 mi) ·


Details about this vehicle - curated by our market specialists.

Model Family
Model Generation
Model Variant
Model Trim
Drive Type
Rear Wheel Drive (RWD)
1,681 km (1,045 mi)
Vehicle Type
Body Style
Driver Side
Ext. Color Group
Int. Color Group
Porsche 911 - F Body
commute SWB
directions_car 901
Porsche 901
CMB $299,250
commute Base Model
directions_car 1965
Porsche 911
CMB $188,746
directions_car 1966
Porsche 911
CMB $135,614
directions_car 1967
Porsche 911
CMB $95,042
directions_car 1968
Porsche 911
CMB $100,675
directions_car 911T
Porsche 911T - SWB
CMB $81,353
directions_car 911L
Porsche 911L - SWB
CMB $68,950
commute 912
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
commute 911S
commute 1967
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
commute 1968
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
directions_car 911R
Porsche 911R
CMB $3,360,000
directions_car 911 T/R
Porsche 911 T/R
CMB $467,000
directions_car Custom
directions_car Race Cars
commute LWB
commute 911T
commute 2.0
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
commute 2.2
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
commute 2.4
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
directions_car Custom
directions_car Race Cars
commute 912
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Custom
directions_car Targa
commute 911E
commute 2.0
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
commute 2.2
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
commute 2.4
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
directions_car Custom
directions_car Race Cars
commute 911S
commute 2.0
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
commute 2.2
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
commute 2.4
directions_car Coupe
directions_car Targa
directions_car Custom
directions_car Race Cars
directions_car ST
commute Carrera RS
directions_car Touring
directions_car Lightweight
directions_car RSH
directions_car RSR
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